Our trip to Serbia - Day 5

Article publié le dimanche 6 avril 2014 par S. andrieu

Written by Pierre Alexandre and Noé : Thursday, March 20th

Thursday morning, we met at the school at 11 am but we didn’t have rehearsal so we went to have a walk downtown . We had lunch out (pizza !!)and we came back at the school at 2pm. Then, we went to rehearse in the Philharmonic orchestra Theatre . There we played, and prepared everything for the concert. We went back home at 5pm to get dressed : white shirt and tie or bowtie for the boys , black dress for the girls !!

We were really stressed for the concert but everything went fine. The theatre was full. There were many people, some had to stand up for the whole concert. I think people enjoyed the concert because we had a standing ovation !! We came back home late and tired but happy.

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